According to the Law 2742/Official Gazette 207/A/10.7.1999, the duties and jurisdictions of the Management Body of Lake Pamvotis, are:
1. The preparation and responsibility of implementation of administrative regulations and management plans.
2. The monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of measures and restrictions imposed by the laws. It also includes the collection, classification and processing of the environmental data, as well as the compilation and operation of the related databases.
3. To provide preliminary environmental assessment prior to the approval of projects and activities taking place within its jurisdiction area.
4. Assisting the administrative and competent authorities in monitoring the implementation of environmental legislation.
5. The preparation of studies and research projects, and the execution of technical projects, which are necessary for the protection, conservation, restoration and enhancement of the protected objects within its jurisdiction area.
6. The development and implementation of national and European programmes and actions.
7. The public education and awareness.
8. The promotion, support, organisation and implementation of ecotourism programmes. The issue of sightseeing tours and scientific research permits. To provide quality labels and cooperate with companies that are active within the protected area.